Petit 2003
This has a great patterned bloom, as good or better if you ask me than most of the new ones that don't always show that pattern you're looking for.
Height 27", bloom 6", season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, Yellow with patterned eye of rose violet above green throat.
Baby Baracuda (Stadler, 2004)
height 30 inches (76 cm), bloom 5 inches (13 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 40 buds, 7 branches, Dark maroon with black eye above yellow green throat. (Obsidian × Barracuda Bay)
OK, just check out the branching and bud count! This gives teeth to its offspring, J, D. Stadler has 10 kids using this plants.
Take a look at Celestial Cindy Dye, it's on of those ten and it's quite beautiful
Stadler 2006
Sev. Tet
listed as 40 buds, it does not achieve that here but it does gets alot. Stadler says he has seen up to 60...
my picture really doesnt do this wonderful daylily justice. You will just have to grow it to see for yourself!
recommend this one
Backyard Friends (Price-S., 2011)
height 33 in.(84 cm), bloom 6 in.(15 cm), season M, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 30 buds, 4 branches, Golden yellow with a red eye and edge above a green throat. ((Coach's Fast Break × Wineberry Candy) × Raspberry Beret)
Great daylily just look at the branching and bud count,
Height 25", bloom 6", season M, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid. Gold with wine eyezone and green throat.
Speckles are so popular these days, dont miss out on UNIQUE!
Badenoch Beauty (Mussar, 2014)
height 32 in.(81 cm), bloom 5.5 in.(14 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 15 buds, 3 branches, Waxy pale pink self with a green throat and a gold ruffled edge. ((Rose Electra × Harmony Ruffles) × (Mandalay Bay Music × J.T. Davis))
One of those wonderfully hardy CANADIAN daylilies!
height 35", bloom 9", season M, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 35 buds, 7 branches, Spider Ratio 4.36:1, Lavender with silvery watermark above green throat.
Height 26", bloom 6", season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 35 buds, 3 branches. Pale cream pink blend with bright gold eye and deep pink edge above green throat
height 28", bloom 6.5", season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, 20 buds, 3 branches, Red with wide darker red band above a lighter band above yellow with green heart throat
If you like flowers that are bright and bold this one is for you.
(Emmerich, 2009) 24" TET 5.5" M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Fragrant, 19 buds, 4 branches - Pale yellow with soft red eye and edge above yellow to green eye
one of Karol's beauties, never a disappointment, I just love the contrast on this bloom and so do garden visitors!
Barbara White (Culver-B., 2007)
height 30 in.(76 cm), bloom 6 in.(15 cm), season EM, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 18 buds, 3 branches, Ruffled clear pink self above large green throat. (Dunedin × Jade Princess)
Awards: HM 2013
If you want to add a daylily hybridized by a premier Canadian hybridizer here is your flower!!!
height 36in (91cm), bloom 6.5in (16.5cm), season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, 13 buds, 3 branches, Rich purple with white watermark above yellow green throat.
(Swallow Tail Kite X unknown)
Height 32", bloom 5.5", season EM, Dormant, Tetraploid, 25 buds, 4 branches, Yellow orange with yellow tooth edge above green throat.
I will send you a nice double fan of this fantastic daylily.
Check back later in the spring but as of now sold out for 2024
Beastman (Gossard, 2012)
height 27 in.(69 cm), bloom 7.5 in.(19 cm), season MLa, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, 18 buds, 3 branches, Rust red with darker rust red eyezone and yellow throat, petals and sepals are covered with claws, fangs, teeth and tentacles. (Heavenly Velocirapter × Outer Limits)
Awards: JC 2012
Jamie's picture, as soon as I locate mine... goodness it's a job in itself just taking pictures!
Sold out for 2024!
height 24", bloom 5.5", season M, Dormant, Diploid, Fragrant, Pink with light lavender halo and yellow to green throat.
This is one of my FAVORITE daylilies in the garden. I love this particular clean crisp shade of pink and the way the flowers vary from day to day. Sometimes it gets extra petals that give it an exotic look. A great buy and also hard to find. This is one of the parents of Michael's Sword. A very important breeder for that bearded look
Beespoken (Michaels, 2015)
height 36 in.(81 cm), bloom 7.5 in.(19 cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, 18 buds, 3 branches, Orchid with apricot and yellow to green throat. (Lavender Arrowhead × Marquis Condor)
hard to find! I included my close up picture to show that cool green stripe in the flower.
Height 28", bloom 5.5", season EM, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid. Clear pink with gold bubbled edge above deep green throat. This is a fantastic flower, it is very prolific with a lovely shade of pink. Not to be missed!!
Norris has said that this is a very important breeding plant.
height 40in (102cm), bloom 6in (15.0cm), season EM, Dormant, Diploid, Medium fuchsia with blue overlay and fuchsia lavender watermark above lemon lime throat.
(Hood College X Katy's Blue)
height 37in (94cm), bloom 5in (12.5cm), season EM, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, 18 buds, 5 branches, White cream with plum eye and edge above yellow to green throat.
(Strawberry Candy X Royal Braid) a clean clear beauty, great branching
Bible Grove (Bouman, 2008)
height 37 inches (94 cm), bloom 5 inches (13 cm), season M, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 27 buds, 6 branches, Black purple satin with white picotee and small red outer ring with light ruffling above yellow to green throat. ((Michael Vaden × Fudge Sundae) × (Court Magician × Tuscawilla Blackout))
You couldn't ask for better plant habit and beauty
height 34in (86cm), bloom 7in (18.0cm), season EM, Dormant, Tetraploid, Fragrant, Yellow self with green throat.
This is one of the first daylilies I ever bought, and I will always grow it. I just love Roy Klehm's daylilies
Big Honking Bar Room Floozy (Jones-L., 2016)
height 44 inches (112 cm), bloom 8 inches (20 cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid
Deep purple that holds in the sun.
Big Honking Brazen Hussy (Jones-L., 2011)
height 41 inches (104 cm), bloom 6 inches (15 cm), season EM, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 28 buds, 4 branches, Hot, bright orange red color with a yellow to green throat. (unknown × Long Stocking)
One of those really tall standouts!
Big Red Express (McCutcheon, 2009)
height 34 in.(86 cm), bloom 7 in.(18 cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, Red orange with gold edge. (Braided Lightning × Tet. Spindazzle)
Lambertson 05 - Height 24" Bloom 6.5" E-mid Re Sev TET
Cream pastel w/ smoky slate blue eye and edge
so exotic and unusual. The pattern on the face is like a new intro...
Bison Victory (Bouman-Baker, 2013)
height 32 in.(81 cm), bloom 6 in.(15 cm), season MLa, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 34 buds, 5 branches, (FABULOUS PLANT HABIT)
Gently reflexed blend of yellow, apricot, and orange above celerygreen throat with light ruffles, dimpled surface and firm substance. (Vincero! × Deliberate Pace)
WOW what a flower, and Michael certainly does pay attention to plant habit. if you like large showy yellows then this is for you!
Dan Hansen 2006 - Bite Me is an instant sell when customers see it! A very pretty 7" SEV Reblooming Early TET. Has very nice bud count and branching. Very toothy, the white teeth are in great contrast to the always perfectly formed almost black purple flower. I love this flower and can't wait to see my seedlings from it
sorry sold out for 2024
Emmerich 2020
There are not many actual reds with teeth, i can only think of one more that grows here.
A beautiful 6" bloom on 30" scapes. Fragrant, mid to late dormant tet.
the contrast of the red with ivory sharks teeth is quite attractive. I use all the pollen on this one!
A BEAUTY and reblooms here in IL
height 30in (76cm), bloom 6in (15.0cm), season E, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 35 buds, 6 branches, Buttery pumpkin with yellow green teeth above green throat.
(Bass Gibson X Fringy)
What great parents, and guess what this one makes great kids too!
Black Briar Bay (Salter, 1996)
height 27 in.(69 cm), bloom 5.5 in.(14 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Black red self with green throat. ((Night Wings × sdlg) × (Tet. Christmas Is × Warrior Prince))
a very dark HARDY beauty!
28 inches with 5.75 inch blooms. Hardy to zone 4, Dormant TET 3 to 4 way branching and average 20 buds. Amazing contrast between the dark velvety darkness to the white teeth! and yes I was using the pollen the day I took this picture
you will receive a nice df if you order this from me, no tiny pieces that were "peeled off" of a parent plant... boy do i hate that!
height 36", bloom 7", season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, 22 buds, 4 branches, Orange self above orange green throat. This has a glowing effect, easy to notice from a distance.
I think it's one of the best orange daylilies on the market!
Blondes Have More Fun (Howard-R., 2017)
height 39 inches (99 cm), bloom 5.75 inches (15 cm), season MLa, Dormant, Tetraploid, 33 buds, 5 branches, Cream seashell blend with yellow toothy, tendriled edge. (Bridgeton Geometry × Malcolm David Brooker, Senior)
So Toothy it's scary, and this one has great bud count and branching. Very interesting genetics ...
Blood, Sweat and Tears (Emmerich, 2005)
height 28 in.(71 cm), bloom 6 in.(15 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 18 buds, 3 branches, Dark raspberry with pink raspberry eye and pink raspberry white edge above yellow to green throat. (Joan Derifield × Robed In Majesty)
Awards: HM 2010
Blue Goblin (Marchant, 2013)
height 32 in.(81 cm), bloom 6 in.(15 cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, 25 buds, 4 branches, Light lavender blue with a smoky blue gray eye and edge, petal edges are lined with blue gray teeth. (Edge of Madness × Linda Sierra)
William Marchants picture
Blue Healer (Korth-P.-Korth-L., 2016)
height 32 in.(81 cm), bloom 8.5 in.(22 cm), season EM, Dormant, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 18 buds, 4 branches, Purple with lavender eye and white and lavender edge. (((Forbidden Fantasy × Dawn in L'orien) × Tears for Gus) × Entwined in the Vine)
I can tell you the first time this bloomed I just stopped and stared! AMAZING
Bob 265 is slightly ruffled blue/purple patterned poly with a attractive green throat. This plant cannot be registered, but just used to further advance a poily-program or fancier!
mid season, 29", 3-way branching, 24 buds, Dor, Dip.
I purchased this a few years ago for $100 and got a carried away! It has always bloomed Poly here. This is my first and only df this year that I will sell.